At Old Crow Ranch, we don't take food for granted. We believe in providing our animals with a high quality of life. We provide the best feed we can purchase or make ourselves. They live a healthy, productive life and provide nutritious food to our customers. By prioritizing the food they eat, we receive clean, nutrient-dense meat in return to feed our family and our community.
We purchase yearling Hereford and Hereford/Angus cross calves from other Maine farmers. As a 100% grass-fed, pasture-based operation, we practice rotational grazing in which our beefies always have access to fresh grass and forage. From those same fields we put up our own hay and haylage for winter feeding. Our beef is harvested year round. You can purchase our meat from our #OCRFarmStore. Or buy by the side or whole animal and choose how your meat is cut.
Our piglets are purchased in-state from another small farm. Our market hogs are mixed breeds. We feed our pigs a GMO-free swine grain ration. Our pigs are pasture raised for three seasons and are able to forage at will. In the winter they are safely hunkered down in the hog barn. You can purchase our meat from our on farm store. Or by the side or whole animal and choose how your meat is cut. Cuts of pork are always available in our Farm Store.
Our chickens are pastured and fed a GMO-free broiler feed. We raise Freedom Rangers, slow growing meat birds, that forage well. We downsized our numbers to 100 birds in 2024 and will continue to partner with our friends at Grace Pond Farm to make sure you always have access to pastured chicken in our farm store.