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Grace Pond Chicken Breast
  • Grace Pond Chicken Breast

    Beautiful, pastured, GMO-free boneless, skin-on chicken breast grown by our friends Grace Pond Farm in Thomaston.


    Fully frozen.


    Approximately $14/lb

    • What’s Next

      After placing your order, you will receive a confirmation email with your pick up day and the timeframe when your order will be ready.

      Please add to your contact list.

    • Pick-Up Info

      Pick-up will be on farm at Old Crow Ranch at 427 Davis Road, Durham, ME 04222. Farm Store is 1/4 up the farm driveway. Please drive up to the covered porch of the farm store during your appointed pick up time. 

      There will be 2 meat pick-ups each week:

       Saturday between 12 am and 2pm.

      Wednesday between 4 pm and 6 pm.

      Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

    • Refund Policy

      Please call if you need to cancel your order prior to pick up. No returns once you’ve picked up your order. The $25 deposit on whole turkeys is non-refundable.

      Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

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